Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Back On Track
So my two year old is now a precocious three year old and is in school full time. I was really starting to feel bad for her because it seems like caring for Gabe seems to consume so much of our lives that I oftentimes feel like she is forgotten. Sometimes its a little hard to balance being able to give them both the time that they deserve. But now she is in school and she is loving it. I must say I nearly hyperventilated the first day she went. I kept wondering if she would get along with the other kids, if she would make friends just how well she would do in general. And the minute I dropped her off she made me feel foolish for ever having any kind of anxiety. She hopped right out of the car and never even looked back. So much for her missing me.
Then there is little man. He has seemed to just grow right before my eyes. I look at him and I don't see any traces of that tiny baby that was in the ICU with tubes coming from everywhere that had the doctors telling me that he was the sickest baby in the unit. All I see is my miracle. The one that clinically has the diagnosis of Down Syndrome but seems to continuously amaze all of his therapists with just how well he is doing. Its like I live in two worlds. One where I have a child that doesn't have alot of the major issues associated with Down Syndrome (like the heart problems or the extreme low muscle tone, or the problem with keeping down liquids etc) and the other where its the small things that remind me that he does have Down Syndrome (like the fact that he is 10 months old and still hasn't cut any teeth, or the fact that he still isn't pulling up or is hyper extending his back to compensate for the moderate low muscle tone). So the question remains how do you make the two co-exist? I often find myself constantly trying to do things that will help him develop on track without making him feel like his whole life is a Down Syndrome diagnosis.
I have become an expert at simply taking life one day at a time, but sometimes it seems as if I am living two lives in one day. My son is nothing short of amazing. Not because of all that he has accomplished but just because he IS. He has endured so much in such a short time. I mean when we were in the hospital they literally did everything but tell me that he wouldn't make it. And no matter what they thought he had other plans. I think he's decided that he is going to change what Down Syndrome looks, feels and acts like. Its no longer about putting people with the diagnosis in a box because that's simply an impossible task. I've just come to the conclusion that Gabriel is going to do what Gabriel wants to do when GABRIEL is ready to do it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
All Things Gabrielle LaBelle
Every morning she comes into my room to announce to me that she is "woke". Well yesterday, on the way to my room, she overheard her brother in his crib talking. The next thing I know she has gone into his room and I hear her telling him in her best big girl voice "its okay lil man mommy gonna come get you." I swear before I know it my babygirl will be ready for college. It really does seem like yesterday that she was this helpless little baby that depended on me for everything. Now I find myself looking at a smaller version of myself who finds the darndest times to assert her ever growing independence. At that thought alone I have to quote Miss Gabrielle LaBelle and say "Jesus Da Main Line!!"
As you can see my life is never a dull moment. Not with the GForce controlling my life!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Mommie's Superman

His physical therapist is really pleased with his progress. He is really motivated to move, which sometime can be a not so good thing because he is determined to move even if its not the correct way. But he is doing a FABULOUS JOB..... he's sitting up, rolling all across the room and even starting to try and crawl. His speech therapist loves the way that he controls his drool, moves his lips and is so observant when someone is talking. I get so consumed with all these things that sometimes I forget that this isn't what every mom goes through on a daily basis. I am still in the struggle to try and maintain a healthy balance of allowing him to just be a kid and making sure that everything that he does only continues to help him develop properly.
I think that someone forgot to mention to Gabe that they diagnosed him with DS and that there are certain perceptions of how he is supposed to be. He seems to defy all the odds they continue to try and stack against him. The narrowing in his aorta has totally absolved itself, he obviously has no feeding issues and he is talking up a storm. All the things they wanted to tell me he wouldn't do HE IS DOING!! Gabriel will exceed every limit placed before him. HE is the only one who can control what he will or won't do, not his genetic makeup!
I really believe that Gabriel will change the world! Welcome to my miracle!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Lazy Kind Of Day

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today is a New Day and It's A GREAT One

Just as I am typing this I can hear my son in there having an in depth conversation with his sister who, in her most motherly voice, instructs him to use his inside voice because she is trying to watch Dora. I find myself constantly listening to him to see if he is making any sounds with consonants instead of just enjoying the beautiful sound of my baby boy's voice. Its little things like this that could become taxing to you if you let it. In having a child that COULD have developmental delays I find myself sometimes losing the ability to just enjoy him being a child because I am so focused on making sure I minimize any type of delay that he may encounter. I feel bad because I can't remember half the things that I did when my daughter was 6 months old and she is only 2. So it makes me wonder if I just wasn't paying enough attention to her at the time. Who knew that it would be this intense all the time? I sure didn't. Oh well God has chosen me for this and since he doesn't make mistakes I am obviously equipped with the tools I need to make it through.
I am glad I had the melt down yesterday because it enabled me to find sites and blogs by people who know EXACTLY what I am going through and have felt the exact same things I am feeling. Its great when you can find people who mirror your thoughts and feelings. Well I just heard lil mama ask her brother "whats the matter lil man" so thats my cue to go investigate. Everyone have a wonderfully blessed day! I am off to enjoy my miracles!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Feeling A Little Overwhelmed Today
So far Gabe has done beautifully. I mean he is hitting all of his developmental milestones. He doesn't have any of the major health issues associated with down syndrome but for some reason today I couldn't help but feel like at some point he was going to reach that proverbial "developmental delay" that children with down syndrome could have and I couldn't help but wonder just how strong and optimistic I would be then. Then I had to ask myself is this a sign that my faith isn't as strong as I thought? Does this mean that I am not as "okay" with my son's diagnosis as I would like to believe I am? God knows I adore my son and would lay down my life for him and that's exactly why I am feeling this tremendous amount of guilt for even feeling overwhelmed.
I have a two year old who has an endless amount of energy and sometimes I feel like I am so focused on my son that I don't give her the time that she needs. Maybe he was right, maybe it was irresponsible of me to have a child and putting myself in the position to have to raise two kids by myself. How am I going to do this? I know everyone is going to say Pray but sometimes that is just easier said then done. It's funny but all of these emotions were set off by the simplest thing today. All day long my son was doing that tongue thrusting thing that many children with DS do and for some reason it was that in particular that REALLY made me realize that my son has DS.
Tomorrow will be a better day IT HAS TO BE. Afterall I am responsible for raising two of God's biggest miracles. But today I have to admit that I am feeling OVERWHELMED!!